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"I am a final year vet student and scrum-half for RDVC LRFC. As a ballerina turned rugby player I have learnt that rugby really is a sport for everyone- once you get your head around the rules! This is a special team to be a part of and I am proud to represent RDVC LRFC every time I walk on the pitch."

Position: Scrum-half (9)

Sophie D.

"I started playing rugby in my second year at university and I absolutely love it! I had never been sporty at school and it was so lovely to finally be a valued member of the team on and off the pitch. Because of rugby and RDVC LRFC I am stronger and more confident than ever."

Position: Wing (11/14)


"'Keen to try something new upon starting studying veterinary medicine two years ago, Lisa decided to give rugby a shot and has really enjoyed being part of the team since. To keep herself busy away from vet school and the rugby pitch, Lisa is a Scout leader, loves walking in the Pentland hills and playing the trumpet as part of her church's band.'"

Position: Wing (11/14)


​Moriah is a current third year Vet student. From New York this is her second season playing rugby, and it's fair to say she's hooked. Away from rugby she enjoys the polar opposites of long distance running and sleeping.

Position: Wing (11/14)

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​"I'm a first year at vet school and from N. Ireland. I grew up playing Gaelic football and also did gymnastics and dance. I've never played rugby before but have quickly fallen in love with the game. The girls are so supportive and motivational making every training session both fun and challenging."

Position: Center (12)


​"If I'm not out walking my dog, out on adventures with my friends, or studying you'll find me at rugby. I've been playing for two years now, and couldn't ask for a better group of women. Whether it's on the pitch or at the pub () there's no better way to de-stress from university!"

Position: Center (12)


"I'm a second year vet student from Northern Ireland. I grew up doing ballet, yoga and horse riding so I wanted to try something new. I come from a family of rugby lovers so decided to give it a go and loved it! The girls on the team are so lovely and supportive. I love exotic animals and have a bearded dragon called Jasper."

Position: Wing (11/14)


The tall blonde giraffe that runs around in the back. 

Go Gators!

Position: Fullback (15)

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